Back-end Development


What will you get

Original price was: ৳ 69,000.00.Current price is: ৳ 56,350.00.

  • Server-side Scripting
  • Database Integration
  • Server Management
  • Full-stack Development
  • API Development
  1. Server-side Scripting:
    • Proficient in server-side languages like Node.js, Python, Ruby, or PHP.
    • Implement server-side logic for data processing, authentication, and business rules.
    • Optimize server performance for efficient handling of requests.
  2. Database Integration:
    • Design and implement robust database architectures.
    • Use relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL) or NoSQL databases (MongoDB).
    • Ensure secure data storage and retrieval mechanisms.
  3. Server Management:
    • Configure and maintain web servers (Apache, Nginx).
    • Implement security measures to protect against vulnerabilities.
    • Monitor server performance and troubleshoot issues.
  4. Full-stack Development:
    • Possess expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies.
    • Develop end-to-end solutions for comprehensive web applications.
    • Ensure seamless communication between front-end and back-end components.
  5. API Development:
    • Create RESTful or GraphQL APIs for data communication.
    • Implement secure authentication mechanisms for API endpoints.
    • Document APIs for easy integration and usage by other developers.


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